Musescore band in a box
Musescore band in a box

I don’t have a problem converting my songs with repeats into ones without repeats. Instead it forced me to send you a personal message. I tried to post another reply, but the forum won’t let me.

musescore band in a box

Hey Schef, thanks for your reply to my post about the problems I had running your script on Windows 10. Do I have to set up the current folder as a path for Python to look for my file or does it do that automatically when I have that folder window active? I guess I could try the same process but specify the complete path in the command line. It’s been 30 years since I’ve done any programming, and I’ve never used Python before, so I’m thinking I’m not using the right procedure. Then I tried the same thing but entered “python3” first but still got the same error. Once the command line window appeared, I typed in “” followed by my source MuseScore file name and the destination Synthesizer V file name, but Python returned an “invalid syntax” error. Then, with that folder location as the top window, I executed Python from the Start menu. I also copied it into the examples folder and renamed it in both locations by adding the underscore to replace all the spaces between words.

#Musescore band in a box zip file#

After installing the Windows version (I have Win10 64-bit) of Python 3.8 and extracting your Zip file, I copied one of my MuseScore files into that same folder where your Zip file was extracted to.

musescore band in a box

Schef, I tried to use your Python script to convert one of my MuseScore files to Synth V’s format but have run into some problems.

Musescore band in a box